Cooking for a Cause Plates

Yes, we are cooking for a very great cause!

This is not fast food, and we serve big portions! Each portion is cooked with love and care at our office location. We prepare 2 main meat dishes, and 4 side dishes. Donators chooses 1 main meat dish, 2 side dishes, and a beverage. Meal is prepared following Servsafe food handling and temperature guidelines.

Plates are requested via text message, by phone call, or verbally.
Plate Requests are delivered to the donator's location.
Donations for plate requests are received via Cashapp, Paypal, Bank Transfer, or regular good ol’ cash-in-hand.

All donations from plate give away go towards our Dress to Impress Clothing fund where we purchase grab bag items and seasonal essentials to give away.

If you’d like to donate funds towards this cause, please click the donate button below. We sincerely thank you and appreciate your donation. Plate information will be available 1 week prior to event date via flier and social media.