An Empty ‘I Love You” is worse than going no contact
In our own levels of understandings and opinions, I think we all can agree with this title’s statement.
We all know many of these types of people and have has our own experiences dealing with the people who knowingly throw empty word around, and those who don’t realize they do it. These people may be family members, friends, associates, or close souls we consider family even though blood is not involved.
What do they do exactly?
I’m so glad you asked, and we’ll dissect it all in this mind pondering cluster of words. Now, before I begin, I am not pointing fingers at anyone specific in any way, shape, or form, however if anything does resonate, please use your best judgement and handle your situation as positively as possible and process all with the best intentions going forward.
1. Defining “I Love You”:
"I love you" means expressing a deep affection, care, and commitment towards another person, signifying a strong emotional connection and a desire to be close to them; it's a way of saying you value and cherish someone significantly.
Key points about these three words used together "I love you":
Deep feeling: It goes beyond just liking someone and indicates a profound emotional bond.
Commitment implication: Saying "I love you" often signifies a commitment to the relationship and the person involved.
Personal expression: The phrase "I" emphasizes that the love is coming from the speaker, making it a very personal declaration.
While "love" can be considered a noun describing a feeling, many people argue that it is more accurately considered an "action word" because the true expression of love is demonstrated through actions you take, not just the feeling itself; therefore, "love" is often interpreted as a verb signifying active demonstration of care and affection.
Key points about "love" as an action word:
Beyond words: Saying "I love you" is not enough; actions like supporting, caring for, and showing kindness are what truly express love.
Active choice: Choosing to perform loving actions is considered a key aspect of expressing love.
Meaningful behavior: Love is manifested through consistent, thoughtful behaviors that demonstrate care and commitment.
2. What do they do?:
They say “I Love You” but their words are empty. Empty meaning: they do not follow through with “love” actions. There’s no compassion, do driven force behind any three of those words that they soo loosely choose to spit out of their mouths. The words are just….. Empty.
When someone says the words “I Love You” to us, we expect them to be genuine and we expect those words to be supported with actions and gestures that support the word Love. Why do we do this? Because “Love” is an action word and without action to support the word, the word itself is just a bunch of alphabetical letters forming an action word of an inviting imaginary thought.
Empty “I Love You’s” are absorbed wonderfully into the receiver’s brain, but shortly after the receiver is filled with negativity because they’ve realized the person who did say “I Love you” to them was not actually serious. Empty “I Love You’s” are often used in huge gatherings, family reunions, funerals, celebration parties, weddings, etc.
Most times, we all can spot the people who do this, and other times we can only spot these people when shit hits the fan and the are suddenly unavailable and inaccessible to you.
3. Groups
There are different types of people, who carry this behavior, that we can separate in to two groups.
Knowingly on Purpose: People who use the term “I Love You” knowing that they really do not mean to follow through with actions to support their words. These people do not realize the effect their words have on the receiver and probably won’t until they are on the receiving end.
Unknowingly at Fault: People who use the term “I Love You” with intensions to follow through with actions, but subconsciously never make the time to commit to taking action. These people usually are the ones who quickly fix their behavior when this is brought to their attention.
4. Our Choices create our environments
The universe is interesting, isn’t it? As we live our daily lives, we notice that each move determines the next situation, and each decision comes its own benefits, sacrifices, and consequences. Life is very much similar to a game of chess. Each move that is made, is fated by the move before it.
Silence & Distance Yourself: You have the choice to say nothing, walk away making point not to introduce them into your life again.
Bring to Light & Address: You have the choice to address the situation to the person and together find a way to co-exist.
Smile & Take Notes: You have the choice to smile in the eyes of your opponent, do not let them know you See them, and play your chess game accordingly.
5. Why do words effect people?
Words affect people because they directly connect to our emotions and cognitive processes, triggering physiological responses in the brain, essentially shaping our perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors; essentially, words can evoke strong feelings, build relationships, influence our self-esteem, and even change our actions depending on their positive or negative connotation.
Key points about the power of words:
Neurological connection: When we hear or read a word, the brain activates specific neural pathways associated with its meaning and related emotions, causing a physiological response.
Social context: Words carry the weight of social norms, cultural meanings, and personal experiences, making them highly impactful in interactions with others.
Impact on self-esteem: Positive words can boost confidence and self-worth, while negative ones can damage self-perception.
Ability to influence behavior: Powerful words can motivate, inspire, or persuade people to take action.
Power of language in relationships: The words we choose to use can build trust, foster intimacy, or create conflict in relationships.
After reading this mind pondering cluster of words, I’m pretty sure a memory or two has arisen and you’re feeling some type of way about a specific someone, or a certain situation has crossed your brain once more allowing you to daydream an in-depth synopsis.
It’s perfectly healthy to process emotions, and we strongly encourage everyone to approach each situation, or person, on healthy notes and kind gestures during each encounter. The goal in this article is to encourage self-reflection as to not be a person who fits in any of the two groups, and awareness of one’s surroundings so you can keep yourself in the healthiest environment at all times and thrive happily in your own paths’ highest timeline.