How Seraphim Promise Helped Me
Never in a million years did I ever think I could accomplish all these things
Disneyland, here we come!
My Life Before…
For the past 10 years, I had been under heavy drug addiction and refused to recognize that I had a problem. I was getting money any way I could, I was always in and out of jail, and always had some type of court case pending over my head. I slept in tents, hotels with bed bugs and roaches, on anyone’s couch, and often times I’d be so high I wouldn’t sleep at all for several days. I was not allowed to come around my parents houses, nor my grandparents homes, and my child had been taken from me.
How I Found Seraphim Promise
I met Ana at the gas station as she was in the store paying for her gas. She always was very nice to me and never judged or spoke to down to me. I never liked her at first because she never gave me money when I asked for it, she did always tell me to ponder on the positive side of everything, and by doing so I could change the way I was think, and when I change the way I think, I could change my life’s direction. - I think she knew I was on drugs, but she never made me feel bad or guilty of my choices.
A couple months later, I had just gotten out if jail again on some bench warrant from a past issue. I also was on a state program that did not allow me to drink or do drugs, so I had already been detoxed from drugs and alcohol and was able to think clearly.
I saw Ana again at the gas station and I told her that I wanted to change my life. I did first need to change myself, but I did not know where to start. I was also pregnant and tired of being around drugs and I didn’t want to go back to jail, or have my baby in jail, or my baby to go to the state. She told me that there was one space available and if I was for certain I wanted to make a positive change in my life, than she could help me.
My Experience with Staff
The people I met at Seraphim Promise are loving, caring, and compassionate. Each person I spoke with never left me feeling sad, alone, or depressed. I was always reminded that I was not alone, and how important it was to stay focused on my goals. We would all go out as groups to do fun stuff: movies, kid activates, gift shopping for presents when there was a birthday or holiday coming up. They are a joking bunch who love having fun, and who also help each other.
How Seraphim Promise helped me
This road I traveled was not an easy one, but with their help, I was able to get my GED certificate, my drivers license, and I even find a good paying job where I could support myself and my two kids. I even completed my probation, I graduated in that state program, and I have been drug free for two years. I am now able to leave the state of Alaska as a free woman, and live my life where ever I choose.
Never in a million years did I ever think I could accomplish all these things, but I did. With the supportive help of Seraphim Promise I am able to see my children smile, and see my family proud of me.
What I am taking with me
When I look at where my life is now, I realize Ana was already giving me the change that was needed to change myself, and that was ME changing MY way of thinking. When I changed that, everything else was a piece of cake!
Her saying is, “Every situation, no matter how bad, always has a positive side to it. It may be the size of a pen dot, but it’s there. Focus on doing more positives and make that dot bigger.” and “ If you don’t understand a situation, remember there are more than two ways to view it.” Applying that way of thinking has helped my thought process a whole lot, and its actually allowed me not to feel so discouraged when something happens that is not within my control.
I am currently looking for my own car, and my own apartment. My kids are so happy that we finally can live someplace by ourselves and be with each other in our own home.
I am so thankful for everyone who showed patience, love, and kindness as I fought towards my bit of sunshine.